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Do you live outside of our community and is interested in becoming a BGES Member, sign-up and pay here!

Interested in Becoming a Member?

Sign-Up 2day!

High-school Membership

  1. Educational Sessions

  2. FAFSA Application and the HOPE Application (GA)

  3. Mentor

  4. *SAT/ACT Test Prep Sessions (online)

  5. Scholarship Research Assistance (services  limited)

  6. College Admission Process (services limited)

  7. *Guided Pathways and or Career Path

  8. Financial Literacy

  9. General Advisement (Online or in person)

  10. *College Tours

  11. *Tutoring

  12. *Leadership Conferences

"Preparing 4 Life Choices After High-school"

Middle-school Membership

1. Educational Sessions (Early Detection)

2. Mentor

3. Common Core Test Prep (limited, but online)

4.*Youth Leadership Conference

5. Tutoring (Online)

6. General Advisement

7. Financial Literacy

8. *College Tour

9. *Youth Conference

"Preparing 4 Life Choices After High-school"


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